SANTA CLARA, Calif., November 1, 1995 -- Claris Corporation today announced FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion for the Apple MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0 bringing one of the first mainstream desktop software applications directly to the Apple MessagePad. The company said that the new application is expected to ship in 1996 and that no pricing has been set at this time. The software package for Newton 2.0 will be supported by FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Macintosh, the next version of the world's most popular Macintosh database, which is scheduled to ship with easy-to-use relational capabilities next month.
Delivering true Newton-to-desktop data management, FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion for Newton will let users capture subsets --or collections -- of FileMaker Pro 3.0 desktop-based records and fields on the Apple MessagePad 120 for updating anywhere. Later, new or modified records can be returned to the original host FileMaker database for synchronization to insure database integrity.
"FileMaker Pro database users in any industry -- from medical workers making patient rounds to an architectural project manager at a new building site -- will be greatly enabled with FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion for Newton," said David Larson, vice president of worldwide customer marketing, Claris Corporation. "Individual workers and users within workgroups will get better economy, extensibility, and unprecedented mobility from their FileMaker Pro database applications with this exciting new product."
Users of FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion for Newton will enjoy much of the same functionality found within FileMaker Pro 3.0. Specific features provided by FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion for Newton include the following:
FileMaker Pro interface and functions: Users will be able to browse, sort, query and print downloaded data as well as perform Look-Ups from other FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion databases that may also reside on the Apple MessagePad 120. Other typical functions such as auto entry, pop-up lists, check boxes and radio lists will be available in FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion for Newton.
Desktop Connectivity and Database Creation: Provides live connection to desktop and network based FileMaker Pro databases and the ability to download subsets -- or collections -- of these database records. In addition, Apple MessagePad 120 users can download simple FileMaker Pro layouts without records to create new databases directly on the Apple Message Pad 120.
Synchronization: Direct record-level synchronization from FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion to desktop-based FileMaker Pro 3.0 databases.
Communications: The new product completely supports all basic communications functionality provided by the Apple MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0 (beaming, faxing, and mailing).
Password Protection: FileMaker Pro 3.0 Companion for Newton will provide the same database security provided by FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Macintosh and Windows.
FileMaker Pro Companion for Apple MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0 will be disk-based and will require FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Macintosh.
For more information on other Claris products, customers may call Claris Corporation at 1-800-3-CLARIS or (408) 408-727-8227 or visit ClarisWeb, the Claris Internet home page at
Claris Corporation is a leading worldwide vendor or Windows and Macintosh applications for business, education and home, and is a subsidiary of Apple Computer, Inc. with headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif.